Would it be legal to talk someone into committing suicide?

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The following is a set of 'rules' that are developing from the conversation "Would it be legal to talk someone into committing suicide?"
They are not necessarily correct, and are based on court cases and opinions.

All those who have contributed to the conversation receive credit for this entry - if you do not want credit please let me know.

It is 'illegal' to try to convince someone that they are not worthy of living, thereby inciting suicide. However, the following factors comein to play:

1 - Incitement may be accidental, in which case whether the accused was following any rules (ie rules followed by phone helplines on what you can/cannot say).

2 - The degree to which the person is incited, from one insult to constant bullying.

3 - How mentally unstable the person was (if the incitement was relatively mild).

In Japan ritual suicide was deemed acceptable, even though incited by tradition.

It is 'illegal' to talk someone into committing suicide if:

1 - you have no intention to commit suicide yourself.

2 - they are a minor or mentally immature.

3 - they are not fit to make the decision for other reasons.

However, if all the people involved are equally suicidal and none are 'controlling' the others, then it may be acceptable. The only way that one of them would survive is their unwanted rescue.

These rules are not strict - there will of course be fuzzy lines between 'legal' and 'illegal'. That's for the jury to decide...

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