Ranma 1/2 - Anime/Manga

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Ranma 1/2 is an anime series by Rumiko Takahashi(-megamisama), the best-selling female manga/comic artist in the world. While it is not as well known as her other works in Japan, it's certainly the most well known in America, and it's my favorite Anime/Manga series ever, with the manga being slightly better than the anime overall. It centers around a sixteen-year old Martial Artist named Ranma Saotome. Ranma has a problem. Well, frankly, he has lots of problems, but one main problem. He, along with many other characters, is under an old Chinese curse. This curse makes people's bodies change into something else when splashed with cold water, and back to normal with hot water. Most of the other characters were cursed to turn into animals, but not Ranma. Ranma was cursed to turn into a girl (an extremely buxom girl, at that). And for a macho guy like Ranma, this is a serious problem. Then, of course, the other problems. He's engaged to three different girls, none of which he asked for. He has numerous people trying to kill him. On a daily basis. It all started when Ranma's father, Genma, made an arragement for Ranma to marry one of the daughters of his best friend, Soun Tendo. After a long training trip, Ranma and Genma finally arrived at the Tendo Dojo to finalize the engagement. Soun and Genma agreed that Ranma would be engaged to Soun's youngest daughter, Akane, despite Akane and Ranma's protests. Ranma and Genma now live at the Dojo with Soun, Akane, and Akane's two sisters, Nabiki and Kasumi. With a very large supporting cast, and the most intricate/confusing relationship sctruture ever, it can get very funny in a hurry. It's basically a Martial Arts Sex Comedy, with lots of fighting, occasional nudity (but never erotic, just casual) and tons of comedy. The manga is very good, don't miss a chance to pick some of it up. All of the anime that was made early is top-notch, and is the best anime I've ever seen. This includes the first two TV seasons, the OAVs, and the movies. It goes into a bit of a decline in the third season, and most of the fourth season isn't worth watching at all. The fifth season has only just come out, and I haven't been able to get my hands on any of it yet. My personal favorite character is Tatewaki Kuno, which would explain my Member Name. Check out this series if you can. For more information, check my website at http://members.aol.com/tatewkikno/freak/index.html It's got much more in-depth information.

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