Sliced bread

2 Conversations

Sliced bread is bread that has been sliced. Cool. You buy sliced bread in supermarkets if you feel you are not up to the task of slicing bread by yourself. Handy.

Sliced bread came about when, in 1912, a German chap called Otto Frederick Rohwedder started work on a machine that would chop up bread for the benefit of humanity. In 1915 he was told that he only had a year to live, but he still went on to survive and make a prototype.
He was set back by a fire that destroyed all his equipment, but managed to get "financial backing" (ie more money) in 1922. Six years later the machine was finally made. By 1933, 80% of bread sold in the USA was being sliced, thanks to Mr Rohwedder. Hurrah!

There you have it, how one chap persevered through 18 years, despite many setbacks, to bring us something we take for granted. Be grateful, children.

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