A Conversation for Handy Household Tips
Dirty Coffeepots
spider Started conversation May 4, 2000
A fast trick,
put some baking powder in the dirty pot, poor boiling water in it and wait a couple of minutes. Now you can clean even the hardest limy stains easily with a soft cleaning cloth.
Works as well on teapots, even if you shoudn't ever clean your teapot.
Dirty Coffeepots
Venus in Fly-Trap Posted May 4, 2000
Another problem is caused by having hard water that blocks everything up. A good idea for this is to use a water filter. Other options include buying bottled water at rediculous prices, or simply to move into a soft-water area, such as the Isle of Wight, and you'll never be worried again.
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Dirty Coffeepots
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