POP PICKERS PUZZLER (Back for a one off)

2 Conversations

Ok so it isn`t as good a set up as you have been used to in the past but what is the point of fancy pictures etc if some people can`t see them?
Any way for those of you that have done the Puzzler before you know the sinario there are 8 sets of song lyrics each one has 3 points on offer for the name of the song, the person (or persons) who sung it and the year in which it was a hit.
Take your time have a look through them then when you think you know the answers DON`T post them on here EMAIL them to me at
[email protected]
I will give you all roughly a week to get your answers to me so THURSDAY THE 17th
Will be the closing day after which i will put the answers on here and let you know who rocks and whose smelly socks.
If there is enough interest i will be doing more
Pop Pickers every 2 week..
Heres the questions..GOOD LUCK and NO CHEATING
1/ SONG= 36D (So what?)
Close your legs open your mind leave those compliments well behind dig a a little deeper into yourself and you may find. Come over here just sit right down needn`t comb your hair needn`t pout or frown I hear you turned our young men into dribbling clowns
2/ ARTIST= Beautiful South
3/ YEAR= 1992

4/ SONG= Thank You
The fights those nights i tried to pretend that it dont hurt the way i pray someday that you will love me really completely thats how i wanted it to be but no so wrong i can`t believe i stayed with you so long you hit you spit you split.
5/ ARTIST= Jamelia
6/ YEAR= 2004

7/ SONG= Teenage Dirtbag
Her name is Noel i have a dream about her she rings my bell got gym class in half an hour oh how she rocks in kit and tube socks but she doesn`t know who i am and she doesn`t give a damm about me.
8/ ARTIST= Wheatus
9/ YEAR= 2000

10/ SONG= Thank You/Stan
My teas gone cold i`m wondering why got out of bed alone the morning rain clouds up my window and i can`t see at all and even if i could it`d all be grey got your picture on my wall it reminds me that it`s not so bad.
11/ ARTIST= Dido/Eminem
12/ YEAR= 2001

13/ SONG= Time After Time
Lying in my bed i hear the clock tick and think of you caught up in circles confusion is nothing new flashback warm night all those left behind suitcase of memories.
14/ ARTIST= Cyndi Lauper
15/ YEAR= 1983

16/ SONG= Break My Stride
Last night i had the strangest dream i sailed away to China on a little row boat to find ya you said you had to get your laundry clean didn`t want no-one to hold you what does that mean.
17/ ARTIST= Mathew Wilder
18/ YEAR= 1983

19/ SONG= Pop Muzik
Get up get down radio video boogie with a suitcase your living in a disco forget about the rat race lets do the milkshake selling like a hot cake try some buy some fee fi foe fum.
20/ ARTIST= `M`
21/ YEAR= 1979

22/ SONG= What If God Was One Of Us
If God had a name what would it be and would you call it to his face if you were faced with him in all his glory what would you ask him if youhad just one question and yeah yeah God is great and yeah yeah God is good.
23/ ARTIST= Joan Osbourne
24/ YEAR= 1995
Thanks for playing
[email protected]

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