Laos: water pistol warriors

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A good time to visit Laos is in April during the new year celebrations also celebrate the coming of the rains so in true quirky asian stylee they decide to throw every bit of spare water on each other in a festival known as pee mai the implications of this on a western face are grave do not expect to have a dry piece of clothing for a week either side of as the whole country turns into a water fight as old and young alike jostle with each other to throw as much water as possible involving planned hit and runs and random soakings, my favourite method to be soaked was driving through a village in the back of a pickup truck whilst twenty children line both sides of the road and throw buckets of water at you, it must be what going through a washing machine must feel like.

During my time in laos i developed the hundred yard stare(It was the local hooch that stopped the thousand yard stare !!) and always carried a supersoaker water cannon with me and had several vietnam type battles with the locals (great fun)

Laos is a great country very peaceful and very friendly people go but dont forget you water gun ;-)

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