h2g2 Obituary Pages, Dust Cover
Created | Updated Feb 9, 2008
Obituaries are notices that someone has died... But, more importantly, they are messages about who and what the dearly departed was all about and how they were woven into the fabric of life. A simple announcement, a bold statement of fact, 'This Person is Dead!', evokes innumerable emotional responses in those who read it and serves as a rallying cry to everyone who shared in the life now ended. On another level, an obituary is a work of art offered to the memory of the deceased.
Here is an opportunity to celebrate those, now departed, who have had an influence on our lives by posting our own compositions on the Obituary Page. Not overlooking the important role played by the cherished animals in our lives, memorials to our dearly departed pets may be
posted on the Pet Cemetery Page. Lastly, because one day we all must move to the office upstairs, to which seniority inevitably entitles everyone, there is the Do-It-Yourself Obituary Page, where Researchers, mindful of the burden that would otherwise befall their loved ones, may lighten the load by remembering themselves... themselves.