How to Lose A Guy In 10 Days (Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey) 2003

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This is a romantic comedy about a man and a woman who are together, but have different knowledge in what they think will happen in the next few days of their relationship. For more information, read the section on the plot. It's definitely one of the best romantic comedies I've seen recently.

NOTE: This movie was rated PG-13 for some sex related material.


Andie Anderson (Hudson) is the "How to..." girl at Composure magazine in NYC, where she agrees to write an article called "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days." The point of the assignment is to pick up a guy and drive him away in 10 days by making only common mistakes all women make in relationships to demonstrate how it can ruin the relationship. Meanwhile, Benjamin Barry (McConaughey), who works in advertising, accepts a bet that he can make any woman fall into true love with him, ALSO in 10 days. It's a great battle throughout the movie whether they will stay together when they find real love in each other, or break apart from the deceptions.


There is a lot of acting in this movie, because of all the serious emotions required to be shown, particularly in the end (Hint, hint). Anyway, all of the actors are very talanted, and it really shows in the mood of the scenes where it is very evident. I can't really pick any individuals that did really well out, but everyone did a great job.


There are great moments in this movie, apart from the general story, that really stand out. The end of the movie is a great moment of drama where you finally see what happens because of all the tension building up throughout the movie.


There is a lot of moments in this movie that are great for comedy. The whole theme makes a great comedy in itself, such as the various dates Andie takes Benjamin to, such as "her choice" of movie to see, and who else apears at that particular movie.


I have no real comments here, but I'll update this when I hear it again. The music is by David Newman, but I don't know what he's written music for. He didn't do a bad job, but I didn't notice the music, so I don't think it's too extraordinary.


Well, this is one of the few very good movies about romance I've seen in a while. I haven't seen Love Actually yet, but that one looks good. The only movies remotely of romantic comedy are just those "Sexual Humor" movies, like "Eurotrip" which I don't intend to see very soon.

Final Score: 9/10


Official Site
IMDB page
Movie Tome PageOmega 3 - The Mixing Dude
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