The Old Republic: Tatooine
Created | Updated Jun 27, 2005

Basic Information
- Population:- Mainly Jawas and Sand people. Some human colonists.
- Terrain:- Desert
Extended information
The desert world of Tatooine has been the home of the Jawa's and sand people for millenia. The Jawa's in particular worship the desert as a holy place, and treat it as such. They beleive that when they die, they will return to the desert from which they came. The sand people live in the desert1.
The endless sun drenched deserts have few habitats on its surface, save for one or two outposts and moisture farms. The main outpost is the capital of Tatooine known as Anchorhead. It has a small Cantina, a bounty office, and various other dens of ill repute.
Its location on the outer rim has always been a sticking point. This far from the galactic hub it is virtually impossible to maintain order. Tatooine has become home to the bounty hunter and the criminal, who ply there trade between the succesful crime lords. The few law abiding people on Tatooine are in effect trapped. The few which can save enough money to leave the surface frequently grab the opportunity with both hands. Yet the transports off world are few and far between.
Yet the people of Tatooine are a hardy people. They have learnt to adapt to the harsh and hostile environment that threatens to kill them each day, and many choose to remain on Tatooine out of pride for their heritage.
Tatooine is also home of the crime syndicate the Hutts. Their power over the planets of the outer rimm is felt by many, and only a fool would dare challenge a Hutt in his own home.
Locations of Note
- Griso the Hutts pleasure Palace
- Anchorhead Cantina
- Anchorhead Landing pads
- Anchorhead scrapyard
- Anchorhead Homes
- The Sand ocean