A Conversation for Hadrian's Wall: The Forts And Camps North Of Hadrian's Wall

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27788304 - Hadrians Wall Part 5: The Forts And Camps North Of Hadrians Wall

Post 1


Entry: Hadrians Wall Part 5: The Forts And Camps North Of Hadrians Wall - A27788304
Author: Bob Stafford. ACE smiley - smiley Join The h2g2 Book Club @ A20154070 (Keeper of The Treacle Shadow) - U3151547

And the last part of the fve entries

A27788304 - Hadrians Wall Part 5: The Forts And Camps North Of Hadrians Wall

Post 2

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Fairy snuff, shall endeavor to have a re-gander at these at the weekend.

smiley - footprintsvp

A27788304 - Hadrians Wall Part 5: The Forts And Camps North Of Hadrians Wall

Post 3


smiley - magic thanks vp

A27788304 - Hadrians Wall Part 5: The Forts And Camps North Of Hadrians Wall

Post 4

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Hey there Bob, a few more comments:

smiley - popcorn Part 1:

The Wall subsection appears twice, (see footnotes 5 and 14, and make sure you dont loose footnote 4, which appears just once). Also, at end of this section, " 2.023 meters wide." feels a bit strangely precise- is this the conversion of a specific roman measurement? If so, some sort of explanation would be nice.

smiley - popcorn Parts 1 and 2:

Would be nice if opening paragraphs of these entries were obviously related, but discernably different. In fact, I guess a wee change to the opening paragraph of Part 1, to better reflect the content of that entry, would be best.

smiley - popcorn Part 2:

Strange choice of Nitpick: Forts 5 (Castlesteads) and 6 (Birdoswald) both have a vicus, but the foonote explaining what a vicus is is attached to Fort 6 paragraph - should be moved to first mention of the word vicus in Fort 5 explanation.

Your "The Forts and Camps North of the Wall" section could now be shortened to a single paragraph, and include a link to Part 5.

smiley - popcorn Part 3:

" It is one of only three examples known, the others are,

* the Rudge cup from Wiltshire;
* the Amiens Patera which was found in France. "

Three examples of what? Big bowls? Well preserved big bowl remains? There are surely lots of remains of Roman bowls/cups. What makes these three unique? Something missing.

In the last paragraph before Who Was Draco? section, should it not say "These forts covered a distance" instead of "The forts..."?

smiley - popcorn Part 4:

First paragraph: "If any force that landed south of the southern end of this line of defences could be easily dealt with if it moved north to attack the wall." Any force that landed south of the southern end of which line of defence? The Western Coastal defences or do you mean Hadrians Wall? Could be less ambiguous.

Is there any evidence for the number of ships, err, do I mean galleons???, that might have made
up the Roman west coast fleet? We seem to know pretty exactly how many many men and horses were stationed at all the forts, would be cool to know about the boats too...

smiley - popcorn Part 5:

I found the first reference (in Learchild paragraph) to the Devils Causeway rather confusing. I tend to associate causeway with something built into the sea smiley - erm, (and of course the Giants Causeway) Probably just need to stick the word 'road' after causeway to make it clearer... Maybe I am just easily confused.

There are a few typographical errors remaining in the texts of all 5 entries I believe, but we wouldnt want to spoil Rich's fun right?

smiley - cheersvp

A27788304 - Hadrians Wall Part 5: The Forts And Camps North Of Hadrians Wall

Post 5


Hi VP and thanks for the comments.

smiley - popcorn Part 1:

The Wall subsection appears twice, (see footnotes 5 and 14, and make sure you dont loose footnote 4, which appears just once). Also, at end of this section, " 2.023 meters wide." feels a bit strangely precise- is this the conversion of a specific roman measurement? If so, some sort of explanation would be nice.

Sorted please comment smiley - ale

smiley - popcorn Parts 1 and 2:

Would be nice if opening paragraphs of these entries were obviously related, but discernably different. In fact, I guess a wee change to the opening paragraph of Part 1, to better reflect the content of that entry, would be best.

I am sorting this as we speak smiley - ale

smiley - popcorn Part 2:

Strange choice of Nitpick: Forts 5 (Castlesteads) and 6 (Birdoswald) both have a vicus, but the foonote explaining what a vicus is is attached to Fort 6 paragraph - should be moved to first mention of the word vicus in Fort 5 explanation.

Your "The Forts and Camps North of the Wall" section could now be shortened to a single paragraph, and include a link to Part 5.

Sorted please comment smiley - ale

smiley - popcorn Part 3:

" It is one of only three examples known, the others are,

* the Rudge cup from Wiltshire;
* the Amiens Patera which was found in France. "

Three examples of what? Big bowls? Well preserved big bowl remains? There are surely lots of remains of Roman bowls/cups. What makes these three unique? Something missing.

In the last paragraph before Who Was Draco? section, should it not say "These forts covered a distance" instead of "The forts..."?

Done please comment smiley - ale

smiley - popcorn Part 4:

First paragraph: "If any force that landed south of the southern end of this line of defences could be easily dealt with if it moved north to attack the wall." Any force that landed south of the southern end of which line of defence? The Western Coastal defences or do you mean Hadrians Wall? Could be less ambiguous.

Is there any evidence for the number of ships, err, do I mean galleons???, that might have made
up the Roman west coast fleet? We seem to know pretty exactly how many many men and horses were stationed at all the forts, would be cool to know about the boats too...

Done is that what you had in mind smiley - ale

smiley - popcorn Part 5:

I found the first reference (in Learchild paragraph) to the Devils Causeway rather confusing. I tend to associate causeway with something built into the sea erm , (and of course the Giants Causeway) Probably just need to stick the word 'road' after causeway to make it clearer... Maybe I am just easily confused.

The Devils Causeway sorry that is what it is called any ideas smiley - smiley

I look forward to your comments

A27788304 - Hadrians Wall Part 5: The Forts And Camps North Of Hadrians Wall

Post 6


smiley - popcorn Parts 1 and 2:

Would be nice if opening paragraphs of these entries were obviously related, but discernably different. In fact, I guess a wee change to the opening paragraph of Part 1, to better reflect the content of that entry, would be best.

I have sorte this I think smiley - ale comments please

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