A Conversation for Hopscotch


Post 1


Always when I see such a drawing at the street, a smile rises in my soul. smiley - smiley
It isn't just a play, it's part of the magic universe of the children.
A save haven where fantasy and joy rule.

For this reason, I always have some crayons in my home, in case some children might need some. smiley - smiley

Greatings from Amsterdam


Post 2



i'm glad i'm not the only guy who likes fun games like hopscotch!!!
smiley - smiley


Post 3

NiFtY FiFtY-Not NaUgHtY FoUrTy

Hey im a 50yr old grandmother but when I take my 3yr old grandaughter to nursery and see the hopscotch grid in the playground,what I would not give to be young and back playing such a wonderful game.One day despite of what the other parents/grand parents think, I might just go find a piece of stone and say what the heck"your never to old for anything"


Post 4


Can I join you?

I'm 53 smiley - smiley


Post 5

NiFtY FiFtY-Not NaUgHtY FoUrTy

Yes you join me.
We would show the youngsters that even in our 50s we can still have a good time and show them a thing or two.
I want to have the first turn though.
You find us a couple of stones then we can get down to some serious hopscotching.....


Post 6


I can just see you two now! A quick look around to see nobody is watching and then
*toss, click*
"Yes, it's on the 1!"
*jump, hop, jump, hop, jump, hop, wobble, turn, jump, hop, jump, hop, jump, stoop, grab, jump*
"Yay! Now I'm going for 2!"


Post 7

NiFtY FiFtY-Not NaUgHtY FoUrTy

Oh come on you know you want to join us.
Go on grab a stone and join in.
Im sure you would love every minute of it.
Dont be chicken we would even let you go first.
Its all good fun I mean whats better than a jump,hop,turn and a wobble between friends


Post 8


*Recognising a challenge when it's given. Picks up lucky stone and waits for a fair way of choosing who goes first to be decided.*

I'm waiting!


Post 9

NiFtY FiFtY-Not NaUgHtY FoUrTy

Well there is only one fair way of deciding who goes first.
Havent you heard the saying "LADIES FIRST" so there is your answer.
Right so stones at the ready lets get going.!!!


Post 10

NiFtY FiFtY-Not NaUgHtY FoUrTy

I forgot to mention,now you have decided to join us and a fair way has been decided (by me)on who goes first.
What I would like to know is what prize does the winner get....well seeing as we are all adults im sure it should be MORE fun & games.
On second thoughts maybe you shouldnt answer that question on here but via email I think...


Post 11


What CAN you mean. smiley - blush
*Rubs lucky stone to ensure he has an unfair advantage*
I know Alfredo is from Holland, I'm from near London what about you?


Post 12

NiFtY FiFtY-Not NaUgHtY FoUrTy

mmmm I wonder just WHAT could I mean.
Im from sheffield.
You like fun & games then.
Now I wonder if you have any particular indoor ones!!!


Post 13


And I am watching and enjoing smiley - smiley


Post 14

NiFtY FiFtY-Not NaUgHtY FoUrTy

Hello Alfredo,
I hope that you are well.
Many thanks again for reminding me about the joys of hopscotch.
I have now got most of my family all involved in their memories of hopscotch and other such childrens games.
You take care and do not let the memories fade.
My kindest regards


Post 15


Yes, let's keep the magic a-live


Post 16


I'm involved in setting up a project which will bring the old fashioned games back into school. Can you think of any other formal games(as opposed to cowboys and indians or sports) that you played as children? I'd love to hear about them.


Post 17


Well, I'd mention;

rope-skipping, play marbles and tag. smiley - smiley


Post 18


Did you have any songs or rhymes that you used to use while skipping?


Post 19

NiFtY FiFtY-Not NaUgHtY FoUrTy

Do you mean games like hide & seek,farmers in the den,oranges & lemons,leap frog.
Is it just outdoor games that you are interested in or do you mean indoor games like word association games.


Post 20


Outdoor games, please. We are trying to teach primary aged children (5 - 11) how to play games that seem to have been forgotten over time.

do you have examples of the rhymes you used to use to decide who is 'it' in chasing games?

E.g. one that discounts players one at a time:
Ip dip sky blue
Who's it not you.

The children have a finger pointed at them in turn by the rhymer with each word and the person picked with the word 'you' drops out witha sigh of relief.

Another one that made me smile - as a little boy, thinking of wearing ribbons was hilarious.

Rhymer: There's a party on the hill can you come
Player: Yes (or no)
Rhymer continuing to point on each letter: Y-E-S
Bring your own bread and butter and a bun.
Who is your best friend?
Player: Eric
Rhymer: Eric will be there with a ribbon in his hair O-U-T spells out.

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