Washington DC- A Gay Man's Perspective

1 Conversation

Washington DC........ um........ Some say it is one of the "gayest" cities in the US after NYC and San Fran. I have lived here for 3 years. If it is, then we have issues.

Been to Castro and the Village. You see nothing like them here. There is no gay "ghetto" like you see in most urban centers. Dupont Circle is fun- but very low key. Don't get me wrong, I love my city. I just can't let people go on saying how wonderful the g/l/b/t is here. We have a long way to go ladies and gents.

Lets see more leather and fewer polo shirts. Lets see more pommade and fewer baseball hats. Lets see more hand holding and less searching aroung to see who is watching. And lets "out" all these queens who travel into the city from the burbs that work for their Republican Congressmen and Senators.

Come on DC- Lets make it all happen. Lets be fab.... not drab.

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