Young Writers - Crime

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This is my Crime story. This one is also getting marked... *crosses fingers*

The President's Daughter

smiley - spaceJohn
smiley - space“John, you gotta keep this under rap. The President of the United States’ daughter has gone missin’ and if this gets out to the media, Lauri’ll be long dead by the time we find her. You’ve got to find her. I don’t care what it takes. Find Lauri and bring her home.”

smiley - spaceLauri
smiley - spaceI don’t know how many times I woke. I think I’d been drugged. My whole body ached and I had varying memories of the night before. I had a feeling I didn’t want to know what had happened.

smiley - space“Is she awake?”
smiley - space“Probably.” I felt a sharp jab in my side as someone poked me. I opened my eyes.

smiley - spaceStanding above me was a man. A man I wished I’d never met. Suddenly a whole lot of memories I could have done without came back to me. I shivered.

smiley - spaceJohn
smiley - spaceI went through the crime again in my head. And again and again. I had to find the President’s daughter. I had to make sure the media didn’t find out. I had to save her.

smiley - spaceThe crime scene was normal. No help, no clues. To be honest I didn’t think it was the only crime scene, but it was where she had been taken from.

smiley - spaceI had no leads. I kept searching.

smiley - spaceLauri
smiley - spaceThey let me have a phone call. Phoned the White House for me.

smiley - spaceThe President of the United States picked up.
smiley - spaceDaddy put the phone down.

smiley - spaceJohn
smiley - space“Play it again.” Lauri’s voice came out petrified of the tape recorder that had tapped the call.

smiley - spaceI was looking for clues.

smiley - space“Daddy… scared.” The voice cried.

smiley - space“What happened to the middle bit? Who says ‘Daddy scared’? She should say ‘I’m’! I could feel it; there was a clue here. I just had to unlock it.

smiley - spaceLauri
smiley - spaceI was hoping against hope they’d understand. Hoping they’d crack my code. Hoping they’d save me. Before my time ran out.

smiley - spaceJohn
smiley - space“Right, so, our current list of unsaid words is?”
smiley - space“I’m, in, the, suburb, street, ware, east, green, and house. Ahhhh, I’m in the east suburb. Warehouse Green Street?”
smiley - space“Perfect! Thank you Lauri!”

smiley - spaceLauri
smiley - spaceHe slapped my face. I hated him. I hated him for what he’d done to me, the memories playing in my mind. I almost wished I would die. Unfortunately it seemed that might come true whether I liked it or not.

smiley - spaceJohn
smiley - spaceThe media knew. They said they would keep quiet for the minute. Thank the Lord for small mercies.

smiley - spaceThere were a lot of warehouses in Green Street. We checked each with a frenzied meticulous care.BR/>

smiley - spaceWe came to another warehouse. Nothing was different to the last four. I kicked down the door and-

smiley - spaceLauri
smiley - space“John! Help me!!” I was ecstatic to see him yet my captors were not. One of them came at me. He was holding what appeared to be a truncheon. I didn’t realise what was happening till too late. He raised it up and-

smiley - spaceJohn
smiley - spaceHe hit her, knocking her out. Two others had fled and another produced a knife. The kidnappers were outnumbered two to one. I sent my men forward.

smiley - spaceA stray bullet came near me; too near. It got me in the leg. The pain was intense. I shut my eyes.

smiley - spaceLauri
smiley - spaceI awoke. The President looked at me. He stroked my hair.
smiley - space“It alright, Lauri. We got them.”

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