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AC/DC are an Australian band that started in the mid-70's (1974, I think). The original line-up included Bon Scott on vocals, Angus Young on lead guitar, Malcolm Young on rhythm guitar and Paul Rudd on drums (can't remember the original bassists name). Their first two albums, High Voltage and TNT, were quite successful in Australia, but weren't released anywhere else until they signed to Atlantic records. The European version of High Voltage was actually a combination of High Voltage and TNT releases.

After this, they released Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, which was released in Europe and Australia but not in the US for some time, not until 1981, in fact.

Their breakthrough album was Let There be Rock, which featured among other tracks Whole Lotta Rosie. Their next, Highway to Hell, would expand on their success.

On February 19th, 1980, Bon Scott died by choking on his vomit, but unlike Hendrix his vomiting was induced by alcohol rather than drugs. He'd been left in his mates car overnight, since he was unable to be moved.

The band decided to continue without him, however, and started auditions for new lead singers. The person who got the job was ex-Geordie singer Brian Johnson. It was with him that they made their biggest-selling album yet, with Back in Black.

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