Random Ramblings

1 Conversation

At this time a week ago, I was on a train, nearing Cologne. We had fantastic weather and were all excited. Today, it's raining. I do hope the weather will improve, as the part of the town where I live celebrates 950 years since it was first mentioned in a document by König Heinrich IV (1050 - 1106). Bergen did not belong to Frankfurt until 1977, and has many traditions of its own. The Berger Markt is one of these traditions1. Another tradition is having nice weather and sitting in the patio of bakery R, having Zwetschekuche2 and coffee. Obviously, no luck this year.

So here I am, writing my Random Ramblings and not the meet report as promised. I did intend to do so, but when I mentioned somewhere that I'd write the meet report but no RR because that would be a bit much, matodemi said she'd write the meet report — apparently, she reads my column because she said she'd miss it.

Do you sometimes discover funny typos? I just noticed I had written 'tardition' — now would that word appeal to Dr Who fans? Or would it upset them somehow? I can't tell, I've never watched Dr Who because it's not broadcast here, but I've been told the fans can be somewhat — err — humourless.

And what happened on hootoo? We lost another dear Scout, but a new Scout joined us, so let's all welcome h5ringer, as well as Matt (the Hoopy), who rejoined the scheme. The Tea Party for the Italic(s) can be considered as successful in so far, as both Antelia and Derek came along and answered some questions.

I did not manage to motivate our Inquisitor to write another column, so probably we again won't have a Meet Mr Inquisitor in this edition, which is sad. So okay, he's busy in RL, and he's busy with other things on hootoo. So let's just keep our fingers crossed that his RL will get so boring that writing another MMI will be a welcome pastime once again. Failing that, you could all go and poke Psycorp. I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

The magic of hootoo has done its trick once again, resulting in Rev Nick (and wife), a Researcher from Canada, crossing the big pond for the first time in his life to eventually visit hootoo friends in the UK. He'll miss the main meet in London by a few weeks, but I'm sure he and his hostess Venus will have a great time. Speaking of which,
it reminds me that I'm going to miss the next h2g2 London Autumn meet on 20 October, 2007, too. If you haven't yet signed up, you can still do so, so what are you waiting for? After all, it'll be safe cause I won't be

Random Ramblings Archive


06.09.07 Front Page

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1This is one of the moments when I regret the fact that I can't link to a website in English, so this poster will have to do to give an impression.2Local dialect for Zwetschgenkuchen, a plum cake.

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