TimJ's Catering - Menu

1 Conversation

Our current menu stands like this :

Main Courses

Bugblatter Beast Steaks: This is growing increasingly popular, and I'm sure you will enjoy it, especially seasoned with flame grilled fighting towels. (Shredded of course)

Yellow h2g2 fish: We are able to offer the h2g2 fish (so popular in forums) cooked in a wide variety of ways. Tell us how you would like it done!

Breadnuts: The vegitarian choice, Breadnuts are like doughnuts, but can be eaten as a main course. Choose from either Weak and Sticky or Nuclear as your seasoning.


The Tasty Jam Sponge: a favourite among our staff, the jam sponge is, as the name suggests, really tasty!

Doughnuts: What catering company would be without Doughnuts? we all know exatly what these are...

Bugblatter Beast Sponge: Sounds strange I know, but thats just before you try it! This is another of our popular dishes!


We offer a selection of Thick and Fine wines, along with Coffee and Teas in most languages. We'd like to think there is nothing we dont stock!

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