Collaborative Entries

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Welcome to a companion instructions page on the new Collaborative Account Project (CAP). This is where any researcher can log in to the account using the ID 'Collaborator' and password 'collaborator' and create/edit guide entries. The purpose behind the project is to speed up the writing process, as well as to have information on topics that has been contributed by a wide range of researchers.

For example, some people may like the idea of writing an entry about their home city or nation, but couldn't stand to research the history of it. Well, using the Collaborator account, you can write about the things that you are interested in. Then, other people that come from the same place can come along and feel more obliged to research the history of it. Then, somebody else remembers that brilliant place of interest they found when they visited the place, and they add that to the entry... and so it goes on, and before you know it, a very full, diverse and perhaps entertaining account of the topic is born!

Instructions For Use

  1. First, log in to the Collaborator account. It is best that only one researcher is logged in to at any one time to avoid overwriting anything.
  2. Choose what to write about. Either edit something that has already been added, or add a new entry that other researchers can contribute to.
  3. Before making any alterations to an entry, copy it and post it to the journal of the personal space of the Collaborator account. One journal entry should be used for every collaborative guide entry created.
  4. Once you have made modifications, add your normal researcher ID number to the researcher list and update the entry. Do not remove anybody else's researcher number in the process of doing this.
  5. Consider adding the entry to the Writing Workshop so that people who do not wish to use the Collaborator account can still make suggestions on the entry.
  6. Once it is generally considered that an entry is finished, it should be added to Peer Review, and can then enter the Edited Guide in the normal way.
  7. Log out of the Collaborator account when done.
  8. Subscribe to the journal and personal space of Collaborator so that you are informed whenever somebody makes changes to an entry.

What to Write About Collaboratively

Places - Countries, Towns, Cities or Villages.

Check to see whether your home town/city/nation has a guide entry written abou it. If not, create on here! Then, other people that live in the same place as you can also contribute their ideas on what should be included. Think about describing the geographical position of the place, its population and area, history, places of interest and anything you think would be useful for the Edited Guide.

People - Biographies

Do you have an idol in the world of celebrities? Do you look up to any famous character, know a lot about them or are interested in their work? Then write an entry about them using the Collaborator account, and other can add their own information about them too! Stephen Hawking, for example, does not yet have a biography in the Guide.

Movies, Games and Books

Again, if you've just watched a heart-stopping movie, played a breath-taking video game, or read a thrilling book, then why not share the information of it with others?

And with all of these ideas, you have the easy opportunity of meeting people who come from the same place as you do, or who like the same authors, directors or celebrities as you. Add any information you know about the topic!

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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