Cops, a pain in the.....

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Yes thet right you have been busted agin.
What do you do now?
Run is my suggestion, but count on when they get
you it wont benice. Or you could stay and see if they
are for a once time nice, but you see you are wrong there.
Cops cant be nice it´s someting about there DNA.
Nobody relly know what´s wrong but it´s wrong.
When someone stupid person come up
with the idea of a police force
he did his greatest misstake of his life.
The result of a police force was a disaster.
Are you a "normal" person you probebly
trust the cops, right?But if you ever need one
think twice before you call one.
Let say that you have calld one and he is
arriving at your home.The first thing he
will do is to burst thru your door, then he will
look at you in a way only a mad cow can do.
You will feel funny and in the same way you will
wonder why you ever made that call ( your brother
in Hells Angels could take care of this problem for
you, and that without asking. Offcourse he would have
some questions and those would you want me to
break his legs?, or would you ratter see him bleding?
or please please please let me drive over him with my harley!).
When the cop have stop looking at you he would probely
see if you had some food in the kitchen. If you will
he will eat up all.Then he write someting one a pice of
paper and say
- it looks like you have to come with me to the station!
At this time you are five steps closer your telphone
to call your brother and beging him to come and take
you away.After two houers you strt to wounder where
your brother are. After two more houers the cop will
leave your home with a big smile. He tells you that it´s
no problem and it´s all under control.
How can he say that when he dosent know what the problem
was (and you have allredy forgot it). He wont answer just
drive away.
Thats way you should never never never never ever call a cop.

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