George W Bush hates terriers

5 Conversations

Extract from The Times Monday 24 January, 2000:

George W Bush had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand until suddenly, in the middle of a riff about free trade, he appeared to launch an unprovoked attack on a species of small dog. The world will be a better place, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, when "all the terriers are torn down".

Gasps were heard. Could it be that beneath Mr Bush's affable exterior lurked a hidden hatred for dogs, a certain disqualification for America's high office? Indeed not. Mr Bush is a friend to all canines, but language is not a friend to him. In the flow of his own oratory, the candidate had somehow crushed 'tariffs' and 'barriers' into a single word, in the sort of linguistic snafu that has become an almost daily feature of the Bush campaign.

If you have any other examples of politicians' gaffes, let us all hear them.

Ragnar the Scotty :-)

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