Comptuer Science Student

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A cross breeding of a student, a nerd and a lettuce, often found attached to terminal in a computer room complaining about one piece of hardware or another. Sometimes known as a 'Compsky' or be the derogatory term 'nerd'. Computer Science students can be hard to find, living most of their lives hiding away from the world, although recently there have been reports of some CS students with a 'social skill'. CS students of the female verity do crop up once in a while, although mostly in male CS student's dreams.

How to spot a Computer Science Student

1. A superiority complex when it comes to computers, they think they know more that you do, and they are frequently right.
2. They know what computer acronyms actually stand for.
3. They have a strange fixation on Phillipa Forester.
4. They carry a box of floppy disks around all the time 'just in case they get lucky'.
5. They don't understand the term 'dramatic licence' when it comes to computers and Hollywood.
6. No taste in music.
7. Often seen sporting the 'X-Files T-shirt'.
8. They're the ones hacking into the Pentagon main frame in the corner of the room.
9. If confronted, will deny everything and claim to be an architect.

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