Tell The One You Love

3 Conversations

Tell The One You Love
Monday the 14th of February: h2g2's very own Newspaper the h2g2 POST is offering to publish your Valentine Message to that special person in your life.
Book your space here.
Plus A Valentine Competition

Brush off the dust on that art package CD and have a go at designing your own Valentine image - No experience needed - just like vegiman did with the above Valentine Piccy, he says 'it cannot in any shape or form, be deemed to be professionally produced artwork' - will you take up his challenge, to do better. The best images will be published in the POST.

Remember the H2g2 POST Publishes News and Articles every Monday - Write to your very own Agony Aunt. Has Mark Moxon revealed what is about to happen in and around h2g2? Have you been a Guinea Pig yet? Do you fancy yourself as a Reporter ? This and much more, in your weekly newspaper.

How To Do It

You can choose to send an anonymous message or be brave and sign it with your nickname or real name. Maybe you would prefer it to be signed off as an admirer, if so, make sure you put it at the end of your message. All the Valentine Messages which are fit for family viewing will be published in the February 14th Edition of the POST.

Here you will find the
Text Editor
that will send your Valentine Message straight to the POST.

Valentine Art Competition
I created the above image with no experience with the art packages beforehand. Can You Do Better ? We are looking for two things.

1) A Logo for our Valentine edition of the Post

2) Artwork with a message in Picture form that you wish to send to someone or a general message to all lovers. What ever you decide get your art package out and do it in a special way.

To send in your artistic Valentine or Logo (Preferably as a GIF) to the POST.

1) email it as an attachment ...

2) email the URL if it is on your own website ...

Click Here to Email Your Entry

Don't forget to provide us with your h2g2 and email details so we know who orginated it. If you wish to remain anonymous - this must be stated. It must also be your own work and be copywrite free. The Post will Publish the best entries in the Valentine edition.


To get back to the POST, press HERE. Remember also that the POST is a registered researcher, with a home page: U54963.

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