Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson) 2003

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This is a great movie for any spy movie, Mr. Bean, comedy, or even 007 fan. It combines action, drama, comedy, and some neat-o gadgets into a fun adventure that's appropriate for younger kids as well as adults. (Well, it's still good anyway. There's little swearing, plenty of non-bloody or gorey action, and very low sexual material.)


The crown jewels of England have been stolen, and MI-7 agent Johnny English (Atkinson) is the only (Literally) agent able to solve the case. He's an agent who tries REALLY hard not to screw up and to save his country. The only flaw is the movie is a little short. Also apperaring: John Malkovich as Pascal Sauvage.


Rowan Atkinson got to talk a little more in this than Mr. Bean. It's really weird at first for any Mr. Bean fan, as you rarely see him in a talking movie. If you've seen Blackadder, it's not much of a surprise. Other than that, all of the actors were good, and played their parts well.


Not all of the comedy in this is James Bond Spoofs. All you really need to know is the kind of things 007 does to get those jokes. Otherwise there is a lot of comedy you will get just watching the movie.

Special Effects

Not much to say here. There is no real "Star Wars" explosion, but there's still the occasional bomb. There are gun effects, other gadgets, etc. Otherwise, there's nothing extraordinary or crude here.


Edward Shearmur (K-PAX, Miss Congeniality) has done a great job of making an original score combining James Bond Spy Rock with Jazz or Contemporary feels. I think the other tunes on the list (such as Man For All Seasons by Robbie Williams) are great. There wasn't as much "commercial" music here, but when they use it, it has a meaning. On another note, the group Bond did a nice arrangement of the Johnny English Theme for the movie, which can be heard at the party (Halfway through movie) and is included on the soundtrack CD. I would say the soundtrack is worth picking up if you like the Rock-Jazz-Swing styles. I thing Edward Shearmur is a good composer, and I look forward to more of him in the future.

Also, if you're like me and you like synthesizers, techno, and chords, check out the last track, Agent No. 1. It has a really weird beat, like it's in 3/16, but it's actuallr in 4/4. I think anyone should hear it.

Finale Score: 9/10

Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude
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