A Poem to the Memory of the Creator of Peanuts

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Poem featured as part of the tribute to Charles Schulz

A Poem to the memory of the Creator of Peanuts

You may not have drawn children very well,

But you did it for a living what the hell.

The neurotic Charlie Brown

Just couldn't be put down

No matter how often Lucy made him fell.

And Schroeder with his love of deaf Ludwig

Kept playing his baby grand at every gig.

Tinkling ivories 'tween his knees

His audience hard to please

But Snoopy always danced a happy jig.

Old Lucy would give Dr. Crane a scare

With her pshyciatry pure amateur.

For a nickle every time

The advise wasn't worth a dime

But Linus would still suck his blanket bare.

But the time came for you to hang up your pen

So one final time we visited your friends.

But before that final story

Saw the morning glory

You were writing your new comic script in heaven.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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