H2G2 Entry Submission Tracking

0 Conversations

<li>20000129: 879 approved and 1294 queued</li>
<li>20000128: 872 approved and 1280 queued</li>
<li>20000127: 867 approved and 1284 queued</li>
<li>20000126: 861 approved and 1292 queued</li>
<li>20000125: 856 approved and 1305 queued</li>
<li>20000124: 850 approved and 1299 queued</li>
<li>20000123: 850 approved and 1292 queued</li>
<li>20000122: 850 approved and 1285 queued</li>
<li>20000121: 845 approved and 1275 queued</li>
<li>20000120: 840 approved and 1265 queued</li>
<li>20000119: 835 approved and 1264 queued</li>
<li>20000117: 824 approved and 1277 queued</li>
<li>20000116: 824 approved and 1269 queued</li>
</ul><p>These stats aren't perfect. In fact, they're downright flawed until I recode my analyzer to be more persistent in finding info. If something looks wrong, it prolly is. Sorry.</p><p>I would like to note that it'd be nice if the H2G2 folk were to do something similar and better than my feeble effort, and make it a feature of the site.</p>

<p>Alas, I moved my machine off the internet to a much smaller network, one bounded
by three sets of planes approx. 3 meters apart, near where I sleep. Until the two networks
are no longer disjoint, these updates won't often occur. </p>

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