The Merrion Inn, Ballsbridge, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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A modern art infested drinking emporium in D4.1 Serves an above average pint of Guinness and does some spectacularly good and reasonably priced food. (Homemade burger in whiskey and mushroom sauce IR£4.95, Fillet steak £9.95). It also does a carvery lunch from 12 to 2 on Sunday.

It has quite an up market and 'high society' feel, by Dublin standards, but the close proximity of the RTE studios means that you're never more than 10 feet from a B-list celebrity. 2

Open to 1.30am on Thursday through to Sunday 3 with Parking thoughtfully provided by the Church next door, and a large screen upstairs for televised rugby and football.

1Considered to be the posher end of Dublin, except by those living there.2Mostly good looking weather girls3though like most pubs in Dublin, closing early on New years eve

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