The Royal Order of Insanity

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The Royal Order of Insanity was a pseudo-anarchist movement started in the mid 90s in Canada by a small handful of very bored high-schoolers and others dedicated to the precept 'why go mad trying to prevent yourself going mad, just give in and save your sanity for later*,' the Order each took on new names and titles and was given to wearing odd clothes, carying around lots of crayons and duct tape, and engaging in Group Sustained Screams (GSSes) whenever they were:

a) Stressed
b) Bored
or c) Hankering to shock people out of their reveries of normalcy.

The founder of this organisation was one Itt Lord Fredrik Alabama Horatio ABBA Bum-le-bee Edmond Philip Sausage Bppppp Deep-Fried-Oatmeal Marzipan Eagle-eye Beeblebrox, the 42nd. "Grand Imperial High Poohbah, and Keeper of the Thneeds*," (who wore a dressing gown for one year realizing that anyone who knew why he was doing that was someone he wanted to know) saw the dangerous potential of being the head of a massed army of loonies and decentralized the power of the order, which promptly went to hell in a proverbial handbasket.

There was briefly a movement to revive the Order, in Web form, and many members of the Guide joined as well for a time, but as a group it has largely been defunct since the mid-2000s.

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