Car Keys

1 Conversation

Many are those who appreciate the speed and convenience of the motor car. Whether you live in the country and need one simply to get about, or whether it is a potent symbol of your status, you can find a suitable car for you. However, as nothing in life can be that simple, fate has provided a simple obstacle to your enjoyment of your vehicle. Car keys. The ideal size for a car key would be roughly the same as an A4 sheet of paper, and thethered to your wrist by a short length of chain. Given the propensity the current model has for falling into inaccessible places, being left behind, falling out of your pocket and being locked inside their own car such a drastic change of design is long overdue. In fact, in many instances keys for a car are unnecessary. If you live in the middle of nowhere, who is going to steal it? If it is a 1982 lemon yellow Ford Fiesta with damage on all four sides, who will trust their getaway to it? If you haven't a radio, a crook-lock of some description is quite adequate. You may have the odd occasion where you have to shoo someone homeless out of it in the morning, but that minor problem is as nothing comapred to the utility thay would get out of it. Or why not have a combination lock?

In short, car keys exist for the sole purpose of destroying your sanity when they are inevitably lost. Show you're not to be treated this way. Throw them out of the window now. In the long run it's all much the same.

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