The Clans of Triven

4 Conversations


The clans of Triven are great warriors groups from all over the planet Earth. They seek challenges to improve themselves, and study many arts of warfare. Despite their duties, they do not fight unless it is required of them by their senior soldier.


smiley - The Great-Fearl One over all the Lay-Fearler's
smiley - Lay-FearlerThree, each over a number of Faulk groups
smiley - Grey-Faulk CommanderLeader of a Faulk group - made up of 3 Grey-Faulk's
 Grey-FaulkStarting rank

Current Soldiers

smiley - Great-Fearl Verc 
    smiley - Faulk Commander Jodan : Of The Sheep, (Main Conversation)
        Grey-Faulk HDS
    Grey-Faulk Werekitty
    smiley - moonFaulk Commander Reef Girl : Of The Misfits, (Main Conversation)
        Grey-Faulk Creachy
        Grey-Faulk WIRO
        Grey-Faulk Awix (pending his confirmation as a member)
    smiley - moonFaulk Commander Craxus : of OZ, (Main Conversation)
        Grey-Faulk Wonko
        Grey-Faulk Thamian
        Grey-Faulk AK
    Grey-Faulk Owlatron
    Grey-Faulk Phoniex
    Grey-Faulk Watermusic


The Soldiers of Triven are currently recruiting so please leave your request in the box below.

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