Response to the Postcard Challenge - Cliff Top

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Tim’s eyes filled with tears as he walked to the edge of the cliff. Life had become intolerable since Paula and the girls left. He was alone with a pile of debts which he couldn’t afford to pay. He couldn’t bear to continue with the daily journey to London and the job which had become a tedious grind. Death seemed the only way out.

He looked around to see if anyone was coming. On this Monday in March, there were few walkers on the undulating paths that followed the line of chalk cliffs. The sun turned the cliffs a dazzling white but a cold wind blew, driving a few ragged clouds from the North. Far below, the sea rippled blue, flecked here and there with white crests.

Tim drew a deep breath and listened to the waves curling on the rocks below. He could feel his mind growing calmer. He watched a yacht reaching along the coast and found himself thinking that it would be good to be in that boat. He remembered that day when had taken Zoe and Kirsty sailing and they had loved every minute.

Perhaps life still had possibilities, as long as he got access to his daughters. If Paula had gone for good, he could sell the house and settle some of the debts. He heaved a sigh, turned around and walked back to the car park. He wouldn’t give up on life yet.
(239 words)

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