Turkish Food shops in Germany

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A lot of turkish men came to Germany in the 60's and 70's of the 20th century. They came to work and send money back home, they stayed until today to bring along their families and culture and make live in Germany more mediteranean and interesting.

The most importend aspect is food: Many turkish people opened Kebab Houses or alimentary shops, where their countrymen can buy turkish life-style products, ranging from teapot via strange pink plastic stuff to haircolour and last not least food: olives, lamb meat 1, goat cheese, turkish sweets 2, loads of other good stuff and "sucuk" a turkish garlic sausage.

And here is a recipee for "sucuk" the way my friend Kagan 3 does it:

  1. Go to your favourite turkish alimentary shop
  2. Buy a package of either "parmak-" or "kancal-sucuk" and some turkish white bread
  3. Go to your (or your friends) kitchen
  4. Peal of the skin and cut the sausage into pieces
  5. Heat some "ya" (butter) in a frying pan. The more "ya" you add, the more you can dip with the bread -> very tasty
  6. Put the sausage pieces into the pan and brown them
  7. Put the browned "sucuk" on a plate and enjoy eating...
1rarely found in traditional german cooking2Turkish sweets really deserve the name, they are made of at least 98% sugar or honey, and again, most of them ar pink :-)3the "g" is not spoken, his name sounds just like Khan in Dschingis Khan4Health warning:
"Sucuk" containes nitrites, fried together with proteins this might produce nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are believed to cause cancer.
"Sucuk" contains beef

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