Tara McClay

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Tara McClay
Tara started out as a painfully shy girl with a stutter who was in Willow's wicca group. When everyone lost their voices, she went to Willow hoping they could cast a spell to restore the towns speech. She is chased by the Gentlemen and when she finally gets to Willow they end up trapped in a vending room. They cast their first spell together and move a soda machine to block the door.
When Jonathan creates a monster, Willow's feelings for Tara become more evident when it attcks her. Tara spends a night hiding in the janitor's cupboard and when Willow finds her, the gang is galvanised into action.
Tara and Willow meet on a regular basis to cast spells and hang out with Willow often spending the night and lying to Buffy about where she's been. Prefering to keep her relationship her own private treasure. Their friendship quickly developes into more until Oz shows up. Tara seems convinced that Willow will choose Oz over her, but supports Willow in her decision. When Oz discovers that she and Willow are more than friends, he wolfs out and attacks her. As soon as the Initiative take him away, Tara tells Willow what has happened so she can save him. With Oz out of danger, Willow makes her decision and chooses Tara, affirming that shes with the person she loves.
Their relationship takes on a new dimension when they are outed to everyone.

Tara's family arrive in Sunnydale on her birthday, threatening to reveal a secret she is desperate to keep hidden. Her domineering father tells her that she will be going back home with them.
In an effort to hide the possibility that she may be part demon from the scoobies, she casts a spell so they can't see demons, and almost gets everyone killed. When her cousin finds out about the spell she threatens to tell her father, so Tara rushes to the Magic Box to reverse it. Her secret comes out, but there is much debate until Spike punches her, proving there is no demon inside Tara and it is nothing but a family myth to "keep the women under control".

When Joyce dies, Tara proves to be an unlikely shoulder to cry on for Buffy, as she has lost her own mother and know what Buffy is going through. When Willow voices her concerns about Buffy to Tara, the end up arguing, Willow storms out and Tara goes to the World Fair alone, although neither of them are enjoying themselves. Glory, believing that Tara is the 'key', goes to the fair to find Tara. On the discovery that in fact she's just a regular human, Glory gets mad and sucks Tara's brain, leaving her crazy! Willow reaches her just after and takes her to the hospital. On her release the following day, Glory comes to get Willow, who beat her ass for hurting Tara. In the craziness of the moment, Tara blurts out that Dawn is the key and the gang are forced to go on the run.
When Glory takes Dawn, they all head back home. Tara is getting restless, she feels she has to be somewhere, but wont tell anyone where. The scoobies come up with a plan and Tara is left to go to where she is needed. She leads them to the tower and Glory, who sees her as soon as she arrives and confronts her. Willow knows a spell to reverse what Glory did to her and casts it, weakening Glory and restoring Tara's mind. Together they help in the fight to stop her!

Willow and Tara seem to become a more parenting couple to Dawn since Joyce's death and with Buffy gone, this bond seems stronger than ever. The whole gang bond together and cast a spell to bring Buffy back.
When Dawn goes missing, Tara and Willow go out to try and find her but when Willow starts relying on magic, Tara expresses her worries and they end up arguing. That night Willow casts a spell to make her forget and by the time they go to bed, the spell has worked.
When the residents of Sunnydale spontaneously burst into song, Tara's love and devotion come to light, but she also finds out about the spell Willow has cast, prompting her to make the decision to leave her.
Willow casts another spel, hoping to get Tara to stay and on discovery, Tara packs her things and leaves for good!?

Will they ever make their relationship work?
Read Tara(pt2) to find out!

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