Willow Rosenberg (pt3)

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Stars in the nightWillow Rosenberg
After the death of Buffy, Willow is elected as leader of the scoobies and sets about gathering ingrediants to bring Buffy back. Her spell works and Buffy returns, but at the same time the spell they use creates a formless demon who must be destroyed.
Willow's reliance on magic raises Tara's concerns and on Halloween, they row about it while searching for Dawn. A row momentarily forgotten when the residents of Sunnydale start bursting into song and Tara's love and concern for Willow shine out.

Willow casts another spell to make Tara forget about the fight altogether, but it goes wrong! When Tara finds out, she packs her things and leaves Willow. Without Tara, Willow goes on the magicks big time, visiting shady dealers and getting addicted, endangering her own life and Dawn's.
The scoobies do their best to help her off the magic and slowly Willow starts to recover, even in the worst times she refuses to do anymore magic and, when Anya attacks her for it, Tara steps in, defending Willow's decision.
Willow and Tara slowly start rebuilding their relationship and eventually get back together, but when a stray bullet from Warren's guy kills Tara, Willow embraces the darkest magic to avenge her death.

Feeling she has nothing left to live for, Willow hunts Warren down and skins him alive in the forest, despite Buffy's pleas for her not to. Fuelled by greif and magic, Willow targets the other members of the Trio, leading her to a spectacular fight with Buffy, in which she "kicks every square inch" of Buffy's ass!
Willow is temporarily contained when Giles returns, but she escapes his binding spell and sends a fireball after Jonathan and Andrew. Giles tries to reason with her but Willow doesn't hear, she chooses instead to fight him, eventually sucking all the magic out of him and leaving him for dead!
Feeling the pain of everyone around her, Willow heads off to a satanic temple in order to destroy the world and stop the pain. Knowing Buffy will try and stop her, she creates monsters to keep Buffy occupied while she raises the temple. What she didn't count on was Xander, her lifelong friend and his overwhelming love for her. In an emotional showdown, Xander tells her he loves her, tapping into the last remaining bit of humanity in her. This stops her and she is left sobbing in Xander's arms!!

What does the final chapter in the BtVS story hold for Willow?
Will her friends forgive her and accept her back into the scoobie circle? Keep watching to find out!

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