GROOVING-Must have cds

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Ok the best cds are the ones you must have!

Now sometimes there might be too many so just get a bigger cd wallet!

Lets take a look at mine...

i have Now
But you cant go wrong with J.LO!
Dido-life for rent
Funky Divas!!!!
Limp Bizcuit
Daniel Bedingfield-gotta get thru this
All saints
Beach the movie sound track
Billie honey to the b
Fresh hits 98
Puddle of mudd
Atomic Kitten
More JLO

But there are still more and more cool tunes coming,but the best ones are the groovy dances to have blaring,like heyo mumma mumma mumma!

So keep building all the time,and by the way breathe by sean paul and the girl is one hell of a groovy track that im after!

Oh and my sister has the new big brovaz one,theyre groovy too!

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