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Ok this is the first installment of the grooving guide,when i have finished the guides i will make them all linked together!

Well since i am the youngest most famous person to hit yoome2,and the internet,i feel it is my duty to help you lot and since im one hell of a groover (i must be because they got the idea for bridget jones from my life!)
Well i think you should know about music......ok then lets see we dont want anything too boring and too old so if we wana chill out we go with something like...
Dido-White Flag (track1,(Dido life for rent out now))

And of course for fun we have the huge selection so ill get to that,,,,well for car music,to get you in the mood for grooving,we want.....Country roads!
Bump in the night by allstars!(both smash hits 2002)
Starry eyed surprise!(now 53 cd1)

And for partying and main grooving,(which i do all the time and i am while writing this)i suggest Billie,but she only had 1 groover and that was because we want to!That will be found on her honey to the b cd!

And by the way just so you know,JLO is like my favourite singer.....with all her groovy tracks,i suggest both of her cds,for hours of endless grooving!

And of course we always have evanescence,but if you dont want that stuff there are always great things from 1998!

So happy grooving,and remember its got to be sooo loud that people 2 streets away can hear!

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