The Bunyip

3 Conversations


<!-- Begin
now=new Date;
x=now.getTime() %32768;
function Random(min,max) {
x=(1103515245*x+12345) % 32768;
return Math.floor(x*(max-min+1)/32768+min);
var num = new Array;
num[0] = -1;
num[1] = 1;
var ctrsmit = new Array;
ctrsmit[0] = '<|x_x|>';
ctrsmit[1] = '<|!_!|>';
var i = 0, will2live = 0;
function livewill(j) {
i += j;
if (i == 0) tLiphe();
if (i < 6) stat(mood[3]);
if (oldstats == mood[3] && i >= 6) stat(mood[0]);
if (alive == true) {
var bars='';
function barzies(num) {
for (var i=0;i!=num;i++) bars += '';
document.ctrform.will.value = bars;
var mood = new Array;
mood[0] = 'Happy';
mood[1] = 'Mad';
mood[2] = 'Ticked-Off';
mood[3] = 'Suicidal';
mood[4] = 'Elated';
var Stat = new Array;
Stat[0] = 'Alive';
Stat[1] = 'bunyipball cleaned';
Stat[2] = 'Bunyipball not messy';
Stat[3] = 'In pain';
Stat[4] = 'Dead';
Stat[5] = 'Infected!';
Stat[6] = 'Disinfected!';
Stat[7] = 'Not infected';
Stat[8] = 'Drooling';
var alive = false, aniID, statID, moodID, liveID, crapID, sickID, illID, normguy = '<(^_^)>';
function gLiphe() {
normguy = '<(^_^)>';
statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[0])",3500);
setTimeout("alive = true",3500);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",2500);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_o)>')",3500);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",4300);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_O)')",4500);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",5300);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_o)>')",5500);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",6500);livewill(15);
function ID(dep) {
if (dep == true) clearTimeout(independ);
var f, t = ' ';
function Animate(auto,ctrex) {
if (auto == false) f = ctrex;
if (auto == true) t = spacey.substring(0,Pos());
document.ctrform.ctr.value = t + ctrex + poopie();
var indID, independ;
function independence() {
independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",400);
independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",1200);
independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",2000);
independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",2800);
independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",3600);
indID = setTimeout("independence()",4000);
var spacey = ' ', k, l = 10;
function Pos() {
k = Random(0,1)
if (k == 0) {
if (t.length < 22) return l++;
else if (t.length >= 22) Pos()
if (k == 1) {
if (t.length > 0) return l--;
else if (t.length == 0) return l++;
var poop = false;
function poopie() {
if (poop == true) return " <<poo>> ";
else return '';
function eatpoop() {
if (poop == false) {
document.ctrform.phood.selectedIndex = 0;
if (poop == true) {
function eatpoopie() {
poop = false;
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(¯o>)>')",750);
if (sick == false) setTimeout("befect()",4000);
var pasto,healthy,eaty='<(¯o¯)>',eati='<(¯-¯)>',eaty2;
function eat(health,pasti) {
healthy = health;
pasto = pasti;
if (sick == true) {
eaty = '<(¡o¡)>';
eaty2 = '<(¡o)>';
eati = '<(¡-¡)>';
else {
eaty = '<(¯o¯)>';
eaty2 = '<(¯o)>';
eati = '<(¯-¯)>';
Animate(false,eati +' '+ pasto);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty +' '+ pasto)",150);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty +' '+ pasto)",300);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty + pasto)",450);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty2+ pasto)",600);
function pheed(antipasto) {
if (antipasto == 0) eat(true,'>o<');
else if (antipasto == 1) eat(true,'ð');
else if (antipasto == 2) eatpoop();
function takeone() {
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(>_<)>')",500);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(¯=¯)>')",1300);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(>_<)>')",2600);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",4800);
setTimeout("poop = true",4799);
full = 0;
function cleancage() {
if (poop == false) stat(Stat[2]);
if (poop == true) {
poop = false;
ickcount = 0;
function tLiphe() {
normguy = '<(×_×)>';
poop = false;
sick = false;
full = 0;
l = 1;
i = 0;
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",1);
statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[4])",1);
bruised = 0;
poked = false;
alive = false;
var oldstats, ick = '';
function stat(stats) {
ick = '';
oldstats = stats;
if (sick == true) ick = '[sick] ';
document.ctrform.ctrstatus.value = ick + oldstats;
var j;
function smite() {
if (sick == false) normguy = '<(<¬>_<¬>)>';
statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[3])",10);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,ctrsmit[Random(0,1)])",10);
liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[0])",20);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",1300);
statID = setTimeout("stat(mood[1])",1300);
var full = 0;
function phood(salubrious) {
if (sick == false) normguy = '<(^_^)>';
if (salubrious == true) livewill(num[1]);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty)",200);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eati)",700);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty)",1200);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eati)",1700);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty)",2200);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eati)",2700);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",3200);
if (full == 3) setTimeout("takeone()",6000);
if (full >= 3) full = 0;
var sick = false, ickcount = 0;
function infekt() {
if (ickcount != 2) sickID = setTimeout("infekt()",30000);
if (ickcount == 2) befect();
function befect() {
sick = true;
ickcount = 0;
normguy = '<(¡_¡)>';
function besick() {
if (sick == true) illID = setTimeout("besick()",2000);
function dnfekt() {
if (sick == false) stat(Stat[7]);
if (sick == true) {
if (poop == false) clearTimeout(sickID);
normguy = '<(^_^)>';
sick = false;
ickcount = 0;
if (poop == true) infekt();
function scratchyscratchy() {
normguy = '<(^_^)>';
statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[8] +'(scratch scratch)')",710);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ p')",200);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ P¨')",800);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ p ¨')",1400);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ P¨¨')",2000);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ p ¨¨')",2600);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ P¨¨¨')",3400);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ p ¨¨¨')",4200);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ P ¨¨¨¨')",5000);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,': P¨')",5600);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",6600);
statID = setTimeout("stat(mood[0])",6600);
liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[1])",6600);
var bruised = 0, poked = false;
function poke() {
if (bruised >= 7) {
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_-)')",1);
liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[0])",1);
if (poked == false) statID = setTimeout("stat('You poked his eye out!!')",10);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",300);
poked = true;
if (bruised < 7) {
normguy = '<(^_^)>'
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,' <(^o^)>')",1);
liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[1])",1);
statID = setTimeout("stat('PikaPi...')",10);
aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",300);
// End -->
<font face="arial, helvetica">

<IMG SRC="" align="right">
<p>When the white man first came to Australia the Aborigines warned them about the bunyip, a horrible creature which lived in deep waterholes and destroyed everyone who camped nearby. Many early settlers believed the story. They never pitched their tents near a bunyip hole and they took care not to disturb the waters too much when they were filling their billy-cans.</P>

<P>As time went by, and the bunyip never appeared, the settlers forgot these precautions, but some of them thought that this persistent and widespread Aboriginal myth might contain some elements of truth. They tried to gain more knowledge about the legendary creature and discovered that it was described differently in various parts of the country.</P>

<P>The tribes of central Australia claim that the wanambi, which is another form of the bunyip, is an immense highly coloured snake, often hundreds of meters long. It has a mane and a beard, lives in all permanent waterholes, and attacks any creature that lives near its home.</P>

<P>The Aborigines of the Coorong, in South Australia, believed the bunyip to be a huge man-eating creature endowed with a bellowing call that could be heard for miles around. It had a long neck, a head like a bird, and an elongated fur-covered body that was part animal and part human.The bunyip laid enourmous eggs and lived near water.</P>

<P>Perhaps the legendary bunyip is really a kind of Dreamtime memory of the great dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures whose bones have been found in Australia.</P>

<P>It is certain that a true bunyip has never been seen, maybe?. There have been sightings......</P>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size="4" color="Yellow"><b>Bunyip Sightings</b></font>
<P>In 1821, Hamilton Hume reported the existence in Lake Bathurst, NSW, of an animal, which was supposed to be a hippopotamus, and the Philosophical Society decided to reimburse Hume for any expenses incurred in obtaining a specimen.</P>

<P>In a letter to the Sydney Gazette of 27th March 1823, E.S Hall of Lake Bathurst stated that in November 1821 he heard, and saw, a strange monster which made a noises suggesting a porpoise and had a head like a bulldog.

<font face="arial, helvetica" size="4" color="Yellow"><b>Virtual Pet Bunyip</b></font>

<p>Now you can have a Virtual Bunyip as a pet. They can be quite cute when young......</P>

<p>Try and catch one below. Look after it well!</P>
<form id="ctrform">
<table BORDER="4" CELLSPACING="5" CELLPADDING="5" bgcolor="black">
<tr><td><font color="blue"><BR/>
<th><font face="arial, helvetica" size="4" color="Yellow">Life</font></th>
<th><font face="arial, helvetica" size="4" color="Yellow">Status</font></th>
<td><div align="center"><center><p><input type="text" size="20" id="will"></td>
<td align="center"><input type="text" size="25" id="ctrstatus"></td>
<tr align="center">
<th><font face="arial, helvetica" size="4" color="Yellow">Bunyip</font></th>
<th><font face="arial, helvetica" size="4" color="Yellow">Options</font></th>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="text" id="ctr" size="30" onFocus="if (alive == true) tLiphe()"></td>
<td><div align="center"><center><p><input type="button" value="Catch a Bunyip"
onClick="if (alive == false) gLiphe()"></td>
<div align="center"><center>
<td><input type="button" value="Smack Bunyip" onClick="if (alive == true) smite()"></td></tr><tr>
<td><input type="button" value="Clean Bunyip" onClick="if (alive == true) cleancage()"></td></tr><tr>
<td><input type="button" value="Give Medicine" onClick="if (alive == true) dnfekt()"></td>
<td><input type="button" value="Give Food"
onClick="if (alive == true) pheed(document.ctrform.phood.selectedIndex)">
<select id="phood" size="1">
<option>Gum Leaves</option>
<td><input type="button" value="Scratch" onClick="if (alive == true) scratchyscratchy()"></td>
<td><input type="button" value="Poke Bunyip" onClick="if (alive == true) poke()"><BR/></td>


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