Fiat Lux

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Light is Nature's way of stopping us bumping into things when it gets dark. You may say 'But that's a paradox, because if it was dark, there wouldn't be any light.' The scientific answer to that is: nobody likes a smart-arse. The important thing to remember is that light is produced by a complex physical process known as 'turning the light on', whereupon an efflorescent suspension of 'luxotrons' forms, due to the invigorating effect of the electric flux, inside the humid phlogiston-and-aether mixture stored inside the lightbulb. When the life force inside the bulb has yielded up its animating juices and returned to God, you can take the end off the lightbulb and spend the dark winter months (a) waiting for your hand to heal up and (b) making a ship-in-a-lightbulb.

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