A Conversation for Breakfast Taco Buying Guide

south of san antonio...............

Post 1


...they sometimes use the term "mariachi" to denote what central texans call a breakfast taco. i grew up in central texas (san marcos) but when visiting my maternal relatives in deep south border texas, (think laredo) i was deeply confused when they referred to the said foodstuff as "mariachis". I don't know why, but I assume this is because for the most part they don't speak english.....

just so you know. and by the way, you left out all the more *exotic* ingredients like sesos (brains) and machacado (sun dried beef jerky) and lengua (tongue) that you are liable to get if you go to one of those really scary little taquerias. Which i highly recommend, btw--scary little dives where the waitresses have large amounts of facial hair and there are bags of water hanging from the ceiling to repel flies are the best places to get breakfast tacos.

i've also never heard anyone ask for picante sauce in my life--i've never seen the seinfeld episode, but i just ask for salsa or pico. but that's my own little tex-mex opinon, y'all. smiley - biggrin

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south of san antonio...............

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