Sub-Atomic space

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I am currently doing a double GCSE in higher-tier science and dispite being the best in our school it seems that I still have a lot to learn. So here's my theory on Sub-Atomic space:

If an atom was the size of a football pitch then the nucleus would be the size of an orange, sitting on the centre mark. The electrons would be whizzing round the edges near the speed of light and about the size of a full stop. Then the next atom (on this scale) would be the length of 14 football pitchs away.
Therefore, the space inside an atom is 99.99% nothing. Nothing can fill the void. Also, between the atoms there is more nothing. The structure of objects means that every 14 football pitches there is ONE orange. That's a whole lot of nothing!
So back to normal size now; everything that exists is made of atoms. Atoms and their bonds take up 99.99999999...% of actual SPACE. So out of whatever you see, it is actually taking up only 0.00000001% of real space. You are sitting on a chair made from almost nothing. Everything in the world is almost nothing. Everything in the Universe is almost nothing. So theorically it could all be put in a thimble. Then ya get a big bang!

Well that's my theory, if you can spot any blatent errors in my physics then don't hestitate to question my ability and make me more the fool.

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