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TIPULA PALUDOSA - Cranefly ... aka Leatherjacket ... aka Daddy-long-legs .....

Leatherjackets, strictly speaking, are the larvae of the Cranefly (the name comes from the thick tan coloured skin that encases the larvae in its pupae form) but this is what many of us call the extremely annoying flying adult version.

Prime Directive

I don't know what their purpose is in the grand order of things (apart from amusing spotty adolescents that race them - see right)


Several specimens are needed for the race together with a different coloured thread for each participant. Thread is carefully tied around the middle of the body with a long length left to hang down as a rein. Each participant holds his 'steed' by the rein until the start signal is given and then the leatherjackets race off - the first to reach a pre-determined point in the room is the winner.

Apparantly the trick to winning is to tighten the thread as much as possible without slicing the insect in two - the tighter the thread, the faster they fly.

but their prime directive appears to be to pester humans. In their larvae form they do their best to ruin the efforts of gardeners by sneakily eating away at the roots of their best botanical specimens, but this is nothing to what the adults can do.

Method of annoyance

Leatherjackets have very thin, extremely long legs which dangle eerily beneath them as they fly incessantly round and round the room, occasionally swooping down to do a close fly-past at the human with the most nervous disposition. This is done several times in order to invoke the chase of the bravest human in the room.

The Chase - Weapons

If, after listening to the harrowing shrieks of others, you decide you are the bravest human in the room then you must choose your weapon. Various weapons can be used during the chase including:

  • A fly swat
  • A rolled-up magazine or newspaper
  • An item of footwear

It is essential however that the weapon you choose is of the correct weight, too light and the effect of your blow will just assist the gossamer-light leatherjacket to waft away on the gentle breeze of your swipe, too heavy and the turbulance will catapult the enemy to safety.

When you have finally selected the ideal weapon, you will find that the leatherjacket has anticipated you attack and gone into hiding. It will not surface again until you have settled back into your seat and let thoughts of the chase go from your mind. It will then resume its attacks on the most nervous individual in the room. You must pre-empt this behaviour by never letting your guard down and keeping a firm grasp on your weapon.

The Chase - Tactics

Tactics for the chase, once initiated, vary according to individual taste. You can either leap about the room trying to get the enemy to fly a little lower in order to deal the fatal blow (if you have very high ceilings this method is not ideal as it would involve the use of a step-ladder and could prove very risky), or you can bide your time and when the opportune moment arrives (this could take Hours) leap up and whack it, or you can stalk the enemy furtively - giving the impression your interest is elsewhere - and spring into action once it thinks you are no longer a threat.

Cautionary notes

Although the leatherjacket seems quite fragile and its legs appear to drop off for no apparent reason, don't be fooled by them. Their bodies are quite resilient and they seem to be able manage without most of their legs. Deal them too light a blow and they will feign death, wait until you are settled and then resume their antics - MAKE SURE YOU SQUISH THEM COMPLETELY !!

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