Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence is an odd thing. To begin with, it doesn't exist, but a lot of people think it will. Very soon. Artificial Intelligence is when a machine, or a computer more like it is supposed to think. This is a bit tricky to reach, since in general, computers suck at thinking. The best ways to come around this is to have small, small nodes that's connected to eachother and evolve (no, not through the fun way I'm afraid). Well, that's the idea anyway. Some people say AI (the short you know) about the opponents in games and such, but that's not really it. If you want to be a besserwisser you can tell them otherwise, but that'll probably get you no good. If you'd like to know more please consult the nice Institute of Technology in Massachusetts. They have a really good check on this kind of things, and can be found at

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