Martial Arts, pyjamas guys with belts?

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"What are this?" I thought as I stood there in a crowd watching several people clad in white pyjamases with black letters on the back, "and why are they jumping around barefoot on the town square?" I scratched my head and moved closer inch by inch trough all the other people who found the show interesting? funny? or just in the way?
Well, as I approached I saw that the pyjamaspeople wore belts around their waists, and I discovered a pattern. The ones with the black belts seemed to be the bosses, and the ones with the white belts were some sort of disciples? lunatics? or perhaps just people dragged in and dressed up by the black belts?
I noticed a man with a red belt standing a little to the side holding up a board. He looked proud of it, and I must say that I understood why as the board was perfectly square and very nice polished. Suddenly one of the men with a black belt went over to the redbelt and smashed the board with his thumb? his head? or perhaps it was with his foot, I'm not sure I just felt pity for the man who just lost his nice board.
I wanted to go over to the man with the black belt and tell him a lession, but as I started to move, the and another black belt started to fight, and I was awed by the speed of their hands and feet, and I also felt lucky that I hadn't tried to teach him a lession.
Anyway, as I stood there and watched the two men fight, somebody stuck a flyer in my hand. I read the flyer: "Would you like to be able to defend yourself?" it said. "Yes please," I told the flyer. Then it told me to go there and there, next monday to learn how to defend myself.
Obviously I obeyed, because I didn't want the blackbelted man to prod my buttock if I didn't follow the flyers instructions.
This is now soon 4 years ago, and now I'm one of those pyjamasclad people with belts trying to keep the boards whole. And I'll tell you... that's not an easy task with all those blackbelts around.

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