Campbell, Aryn

1 Conversation

Aryn Campbell is not just a performing musician. She is a very talented young woman that began composing music at the age of 15. As of 2006 she had authored five albums.

She may be categorized as "folk/rock".

By her own description: [sounds Like]

"I'm gonna go with Blink 182 meets Mariah Carey" -Cole Campbell... OK so really, when I ask people this question, they say, "I don't know, you just sound like Aryn." so let's just stick to: singer/songwriter sentiments with prominent piano and acoustic guitar... or you could listen to the songs I have on the media player and send me a comment with who you think I sound like."

Her influences are [again, by her own description]

Anna Ternhiem, Aqualung, Audio Adrenaline, Alicia Keys, Ben Folds, Beth Orton, Bleu, Bob Dylan, Carly Simon, Charity Von, Chris Rice, Coldplay, Counting Crows, David Crowder Band, Eliza Gilkyson, Ella Fitzgerald, Elton John, Jars of Clay, Jennifer Knapp, Jewel, Joseph Arthur, Keane, Kent, Modest Mouse, Nick Drake, No Doubt, Polly Paulusma, Rachael Lampa, Rufus Wainwright, Sixpence None the Richer, Stars, Sting, The Arcade Fire, The Beatles, The Carpenters, The Wallflowers, The Newsboys, Third Day, Third Eye Blind, Weezer, Wilco, Zap Mama

[In this researcher's opinion she has a soft, soulful sound, with excellent harmonics in her voice. ]

Her lyrics have a definite introspective tone. Reminiscent of Cat Stevens or Jim Croce, but with a unique feminine beautiful sound. However, she would fit the description of a "babe" better than those two!

She markets her own cd's, like many early 21st century musicians that make full use of internet resources. Tracks may be fully listened from her marketing site.

Description from her marketing site:

Aryn Campbell is an eclectic folk-rock singer/songwriter with a heart for jazz and a hand quick to grab a harmonica-her southern style is comfortingly introspective and full of fun.

Her five albums are:

[ ... researching ...]

Most Recent Album:

V (2006) The Torturous Delight

1. Bones
2. Sympathetic Grin
3. Every Daughter

4. Loving You

5. Andrew
6. The Torturous Delight
7. Start a Fire
8. Somebody to Love

9. Traveler's Song

10. I am Glass

11. Never Understand
12. My Song
13. Urban Blues

She was a student at Southwestern University, in Georgetown Texas. Graduated in 2006.

She is currently working at the University, and continues her musical career. Check her blog for her upcoming performances.

There are several articles about her in the world wide web, and the interested reader is referred to them.


CD baby Buy her latest CD!
mySpace Blog (official site)
Pure Volume
In her own words from her blog:
"I started writing music at age 15 and now I can't stop! I'm originally from Fort Worth, Texas but have spent the last four years studying music and communication at Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX. I've recorded 4 full length albums at SU and am currently working on a fifth. I spent the summer of 2004 in Nashville, TN working as an intern at Word Records, met up with a producer there and also recorded a couple tracks. At this time I perform mostly at school, church and little venues/festivals around town, but I am always looking to expand my performance experience. So what's next?!? I think I might be staying in Austin and seeing what the "live music capital of the country" has to offer."

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