Sweet Potato and Watercress Soup

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A lovely creamy soup that combines the sweetness of the sweet potato with the peppery bite of fresh watercress. And it looks pretty - orange with green bits!


  • One medium sized sweet potato
  • A large bunch of fresh watercress
  • One medium onion
  • half pint of milk
  • half pint of water
  • A knob of butter
  • salt & pepper to taste


Chop the onion and fry gently in the butter until the onion starts to brown.

Peel and dice the sweet potato, then add to the pan with the onions and add the milk and water.

Bring the pan up to the boil and simmer gently until the sweet potato is soft. About 10 minutes should do it.

Pour the potato, onion and milk mix into a blender along with the watercress.

Blitz it

Return the mix to the pan to warm through, add the salt and pepper to taste, and then serve.


A regular potato works just as well as a sweet one. The soup won't be quite the yellow-orange colour of one made with a sweet potato, it will also taste a little more plain.

Chicken stock can be used instead of water to make a richer (and non-vegetarian) soup.

A poached egg, or a dollop of double cream (or both!) added to the bowl makes for a pleasant addition to the meal.

The soup works equally well served hot or cold. If it's to be served cold, then the soup may require a little thinning with additional milk, but this is very much down to personal preference.

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