Watching This Space: A User Guide To Column-Reading
Created | Updated Mar 18, 2002
This column is written using the latest Word-U-Like technology
("words"). If you are unfamiliar with Word-U-Like technology,
you will find examples of it throughout this column.
Word-U-Like technology is a proprietary product of HumAllect Corp.
Inc.which is nothing to do with Monsanto Chemical Industries and
which has recently concluded a $300bn deal with the American Legal System
Inc. to copyright and/or patent all manifestations of the human intellect.
This deal is good for all of us as it offers you, the user:
The entitlement to read, think, speculate and exchange ideas
with your fellow Word-U-Like users within reasonable boundaries to
be notified from time to time by HumAllect Corp by way of printed advertisment
in the back of the quarterly magazine of the Parish of St James And St Terry,
Upper Spofford, Worts., Great Britain (circulation 7), such publication
to be deemed full and adequate service of the said terms and conditions.The priority purchase of upgrades to Word-u-Like technology,
e.g. long words, variant pronunciations, shibbolleths etc. to registered
users.- To use Word-U-Like technology you must be a registered user.
You will be given a security code upon registration. Pending registration
you may only use words for the purposes of:
- private thoughts (excluding indecent, scurrilous, satirical, cynical,
inappropriate or antisocial speculations) which may not be communicated,
either in words or any other method of communication including but
not limited to grunts, pictograms, pointing and sniggering, to any other
person; - reading this licence agreement.
- private thoughts (excluding indecent, scurrilous, satirical, cynical,
For your comfort and safety, you agree not to divulge to any third party
in any way whatsoever the fact of your agreement not to divulge your agreement
to any third party in any way whatsover.
I agree. Rush me full user instructions on Word-U-Like "Words"!
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