
1 Conversation

This is probably the most stupid word in the English language. I mean look at it. Who in their right mind looked at a situation and thought, "I know what i can name that - Antidisestablishmentarianism!"

It makes no sense at all and if you're a person who's reading this and thinking that you've never heard of such a profound and utterly brainless word, that's not because i made it up, it's because the majority of dictonaries don't even mention it.

For you people, and even the people who have heard of it but don't know what it means, here is a brief description...

'Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political philosophy that is opposed to the separation of church and state. The term originated in the context of the nineteenth century Church of England; antidisestablismentarians were opposed to proposals to remove its status as the state church of England. The term has largely fallen into disuse, although the issue itself is still current; witness recent disputes in the UK over the Act of Settlement.'

The word breaks down into these sections of apparent meaning...
anti... -> opposistion to
...dis... -> the removal of
...establishment... -> the Church of England being the official church
...arian... -> those people who belive in
...ism -> the philosophy of

Well i hope that your lives have now been enlightened by this pointless word and now you can win at scrabble and impress your friends with a complicated word that you actually know the meaning of.

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