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ANYA played by Emma Caulfield
Anya also known as Anyanka the vengence demon also previously known as Aud when she was human, first came into the seires in series 3 'The Wish' when she grants a wish for Cordelia, creating a paralelle universe in which Buffy never came to Sunnydale. Because her wish was broken and amulate destroyed she was fired and forced to live as a mortal again. She wasnt happy about this and tried to get Willow to help her get it back but it didnt work, fortunatley. She started going to Sunnydale high, where she met Xander who even though human she liked lol. The two of them started dating, but she leaves when it is time for the accension as she doesnt want to die and doesnt belive it can be stopped. When she realises all is ok she returns again and starts working in the magic shop with Giles. she also starts dating Xander again. She stays for the next apocolipse as she has fallen inlove with Xander and he asks her to marry him and she accepts with great pleasure. All goes absolutley great for the pair of them until the wedding when Xander calls the whole thing off. This devistated her, she was heartbroken so she left. When she returned again she was back to her old self, a vengence demon. She tried getting the gang to make a wish to seek her revenge on Xander but she couldnt get anyone to say a bad word about him. She finally got her revenge when she slept with Spike in a moment of despair and lonliness. After this her vengence was not upto standards as her co-workers kept telling her so she started being evil again and killed a whole room full of lads. When Buffy found out about this she came after her and they fought, but Anya gave up in the end and took it all back, loosing her job and her friend Hally in the process. After this she returned to the good old Anya, the mortal one and she helped fight in the last season and lost her life by saving Andrew.


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