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RILEY FINN played by Marc Blucus
Riley first came into the programme in season 4 under the pretence of a sociology intern, he starts to grow an attraction for Buffy soon after they met, when she dropped some boks on his head lol. They finally start chatting after Riley stopped fumbling over his words. Soon it is revealed that Riley is really a soldier working for a secret goverment agency called the 'Initative'. When he gets his ass kicked by Buffy on an assignment. They dont learn of each others double lives until 'Hush' half way through the season. They start dating soon after that and Riley finds himself falling head over heels in love with her. They start teaming up and fighting together much to the dismay of the rest of the team, who belive Buffy is clouding his judgment. Proffessor Walsh also isnt happy with the situation as she was worried Buffy would find out about her secret project, so she's tries to have Buffy killed. Riley is obviously fuming about this and quits. He later goes back when Walsh is killed by Adam but then has to quit again when Oz is captured and Riley breaks him out. Riley nearly dies not long after this as he finds out the Initative were giving him drugs to make him stronger and now that he wasnt getting them it was seriously damaging his heart. An Initative doctor manage to save him even though they were aving a few problems with Spike at the time. lol. Riley also slept with Faith by mistake when she switched bodies with Buffy. This put a huge strain on their relationship, but that wasnt all Riley started having huge problems with Buffy's strength now he no longer had his own and this gave his male ego a bit of a beating which was the cause of quite a few arguments. Then he got an assignment over-seas and had to leave, he said if Buffy truley loved him , he would stay. But she was too late she didnt get their in time he had already left. Thinking she didnt care. He retuned to Sunnydale in season 6 to find and destroy
some demon eggs, with his new wife of 6 months, much to Buffy's supprise. Riley and Buffy talked things through and then he left again.


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