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SPIKE played by James Marsters
Spike otherwise known as William the Bloody came to Sunnydale in season 2 just after the death of the Master, with girlfriend Drucilla. He offered to kill the slayer for the annointed one but failed so instead he killed the annointed one. Spike is 200 years old even though he tells everyone he's only 126. He got the nickname Spike because he used to torure his victims using railway spikes.
Man in a big coat singing Spike has killed two slayers, one of which was the mother of someone who comes after him in season 7. After Spike and Drucilla take the place of the annointed one as leaders of the underground, Spike tries to kill Buffy but fails everytime. Spike eventially leaves Sunnydale after helping Buffy kill Angelus, as he made a deal with her to let them go. He returns in season 3 when Drucilla dumps him for a kaos demon. Season 4 Spike is back with a new girlfriend on his arm, Harmony once annoying little cow at Sunnydale high now annoying vampire. Spike sarts to develope a very unhealthy obbsession with Buffy and starts following her around and even made a shrine to Buffy. He evetially stakes Harmony because he could no longer take her yabbering.
A vision of hell
Spike is then kidnapped by the inititave and had a chip placed in his head to stop him hurting people, which leaves him very unsure what to do with himself, so he goes to the scoobies for help. They were not greatly pleased to see him and tied him up for a few days. Until he realised he could still hurt evil things, so he started helping them to fight demons.Spikes obsession with Buffy grows stronger and stronger he even got warren to make a Buffy robot for him. When Buffy found out about this she was not happy at all as she hates him immensly. He does get to be close to her when Willow casts a spell and they end up being inlove and getting married, but Buffy was horried once the spell was lifted.
A scroll
Buffy finds out about Spikes robot and the gang take it away from him. In season 7 Spike starts to be accepted by the gang and Buffy entrusts him to look after Dawn and keep her safe, but he fails and Buffy has to give her own life to save Dawn. Spike keeps to his promise though whilst Bufft was dead. When she came back the two of them starting getting closer until one day one of their petty fights turns intimate. This went on for a while even though he new she was using him and still hated him he still wanted her. When she tried to stop it things went very wrong. He nearly tried to rape Buffy and then slept with Anya. Things were so messed up now that he had to leave. So he went to demon to get his chip removed but instead the demon gave him a soul!
The horns of dilemma
Spike then returns in seaon 7 only to be manipulated into turning evil again by a song that triggered his anger by "The First" but he managed to overcome this by resolving issues he had with his mother. Then the principle who is the son of the slayer he killed came after him looking to cut his head off, but Buffy saves him. Buffy's feeling towards Spike had grown since he regained his soul and I think she actually started to love him, but he died trying to save her and the rest of the world. He died a hero, a true champion!


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