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XANDER HARRIS played by Nicolas Brendon
Alexander Lavelle Harris otherwise known as Xander was brought up in Sunnydale alongside long-term best friend Willow. He lives in his mum's basement for which he actually pays rent for lol.
A spooky underground tunnel
Xander likes to be the joker of the group, the funny one with all the sarcastic remarks which I think is just to cover up his feelings.
During the first series Willow was mad about Xander but he only had eyes for Buffy, until Buffy went away for the summer in series one and Willow and Xander nearly shared a kiss but they were interupted by a vampire and the return of Buffy.
A green and scary monster
Xander tends to attract a lot of women of the Demon variety as you can see with girlfriend Anya who is an ex vengence demon and others before her.
Xander cares an awful lot about Buffy and has done since he met her he did once tell her his feelings but she did not feel the same. Xander is more like a brother to Buffy and would do anything for her. He is like her rock he supplies her with all the emotional energy she needs to cope with her hectic life.
A blue heart
Xander hates Angel has done since he met him because thats the man Buffy wants instead of him and was all to happy when Angelus came back and needed to be killed even though all his over on the romantic front Xander still despises him for all he put Buffy through.
Xander's relationships are a lot like Buffy's either short-lived or not human. He has had a strings of demons after him which for obvious reasons didnt go well at all. As for normal relationships his first was a short fling with prom queen Cordelia Chase which didn't last long after a kiss with Willow dommed their relationship for good, breaking Cordelia's heart. After that came a very short sexual relationship with Faith but ened when she tried to kill him. Then came Anya this did last quite some time and was going well they were due to be married, but on the day a demon showed up and gave Xander a glimps of what life could be like and Xander called it off not willing to take the chance .Heartbroken Anya took off after that for a while.
Green flash
Xander sometimes feels very left out of the gang because he has no special powers or abilities of his own. he tries to help but usually ends up in need of being saved. But what he doesnt realise until season 7 is that he does have a gift and that is to hold the group together and take care of them all by being a friend and brother he is the one thats saves them from themselves.
The horns of dilemma
Xander has a great knowledge for weapons and military protocol after Ethen Rayne played a nasty trick at Halloween turning everyone into their costumes, lucky for Xander his was a soldier, this expertise has helped in many situations increadably for example killing the Judge and the mayor.
Man in a big coat singing
Xander was a vampire once in "The Wish" when Cordelia wished that Buffy never came to Sunnydale. He also had a split-personality in another episode when he was hit by a magical force whilst trying to save Buffy. This experience left him feeling inferior and useless as he watched his better half score a promotion and a brand new apartment for Anya. But all was well once Willow reversed the spell and Xander was back to his usual old jokey self.
Xander is not at all keen on Spike , as he is with Angel, because he doesnt like to see Buffy with other men especially vampires. Xander and Spike have personalities that clash tremendously which makes for some pretty hilarious watching! Well thats it, all about Xander complete to date!


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