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WILLOW ROSENBURG played by Alyson Hannigan
Willow first met Buffy when Buffy approached her for help with study as Willow was a bit of a school nerd and computer freak. They have since become great friends. Willow's best friend is Xander who she has known since kindergarten and was also inlove with for quite some time until she realised Xander had feelings for Buffy and saw her as no more has a friend even though they dated when they were five lol.
The signs of the zodiac Because of this Willow was very vunerable and was targeted by a demon called Mallok through the internet but Xander and Buffy came to her rescue just in time.
Willow is the scooby's researcher and internet hacker and has been most useful in many situations.
A scroll Willow has a funny wit about her and even thogh she is shy she is very quick thinking with the witty comebacks. Willow has met her alternate dimension vampire-self which wasnt pleasant and has also been a vampire herself in "The Wish" when Cordelia wished that Buffy had never came, and Xander was Willow's vampire playmate.
A graveyardWillow started dabbling in the arts of wicca in her spare time after taking great interest in Gile's magic books. Willow then met Oz which was a major relationship for a while and she loved him even despite his turning into a warewolf. They did however hit a rocky patch when Willow and Xander kissed but they managed to move past that or so we thought until one day Oz upped and left leaving Willow devistated and heart broken. Willow went into a depression after that and cast a spell to will her heart to stop hurting but something went wrong and instead she ended up willing Xander to be a demon-magnet, Buffy and Spike to get married and Giles to loose his sight which was all quite funny. She did reverse the spell but not before being offered Anya's old job as a vengence demon which she refused of course.
Baba Yaga! Willow started concentating a lot more on her magic after that and she was getting good but it wasnt until she met Tara that her power evolved. The two witches started spending an awful lot of time together and as there power grew so did their relationship they were no loger just friends but now lovers. But all was not plain sailing for the two of them even with all the power they shared Willow almost got burnt at the stake in a witch hunt and Tara had her mind taken for a while by Glory.
A wizardWillow then got addited after hanging out with Amy and she got hooked on the dark stuff it wasnt until she put Dawns life at risk, she realised something was wrong and seeked the gangs help to quit. All went terribly wrong when Tara was killed and Willow turned to the black arts and even turned against Buffy. She got so powerful and tried to end the world until Xander and Giles stopped her.
A sqonk's tear After that Willow restricted herself to only simple magics until her help was deeply needed when the first came after them, but she dealt with it ok even though she was scared to incase it took over her again but she never fell off the wagon so to speak which was great the great witch Willow was back and kicking.


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